The Victorian Government has announced members of its new Victorian Committee for Families of Children with Disability.
The committee is an initiative of the Premier and Victorian Government to hear more from families of children with disability.
The announcement took place as the Parliamentary Secretary for Disability Iwan Walters chaired the committee’s first meeting on 25 November.
The new members reflect the diversity of the community and bring a wide range of experiences in caring for children with disability. The committee is made up of families of children with different disabilities with diverse learning and support needs who are participating in various education settings.
Committee members provide feedback to the Victorian Government on:
- policies, programs and services and
- ways to improve outcomes for children with disability.
The committee’s first meeting focused on hearing more about the NDIS Review and foundational supports. It was also an opportunity for members to share about their experiences and supports they’ve found helpful.
Family engagement is supported by the Association for Children with Disability.
To find out more visit the Victorian Committee for Families of Children with Disability webpage.